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Michele CARBONE - Director

Lieutenant General of the Guardia di FINANZA – DIA is headed by a top-ranking officer selected among those who have specific experience in the fight against organized crime. The Director comes from one of the three Italian law enforcement agencies – National Police, Carabineri Corps and Guardia di Finanza – and changes every three years on a rotation basis.


Lorena DI GALANTE - Deputy Director - Operational Area

Dirigente Superiore della POLIZIA di STATO

They are appointed by decree of the Minister of the Interior and they are selected among top level officers from the State Police,  the Carabinieri Corps and the Guardia di Finanza with a title not lower than Dirigente Superiore as to the National Police and a rank not lower than Brigadier General as to the Carabinieri Corps and the Guardia di Finanza. They are high-ranking officers with specific experience in combating organized crime.
The Deputy Director assists – as to the technical and operational area – the Director in coordinating DIA operations and the relations between DIA central and peripheral offices.



Antonio BASILICATA - Deputy Director – Administrative Area

Brigadier General  of  the CARABINIERI – They are appointed by decree of the Minister of the Interior and they are selected among top level officers from the State Police the Carabinieri Corps and the Guardia di Finanza with a title not lower than Dirigente Superiore as to the National Police and a rank not lower than Brigadier General as to the Carabinieri Corps and the Guardia di Finanza. They are high-ranking officers with specific experience in combating organized crime.
The Deputy Director assists the Director in coordinating the technical-logistical and administrative aspects and the relevant  relations between DIA central and peripheral offices.

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It gathers and analyses information and data on organized crime in order to develop useful leads for countering Italian criminal organizations in Italy and abroad, as well as foreign organized crime operating on the national territory.

It plans and coordinates criminal investigations. Within DIA; this Branch plays a fundamental role in countering organized crime both at strategic and investigative level. Its four Divisions having Criminal Police duties, cooperate with the Judicial Authority.

It fosters and develops, through bilateral and multilateral agreements, links with its foreign counterparts to improve the fight against the organized crime phenomena often interconnected in the international scenario. It is made up of two Divisions which promote relations with foreign and International agencies, as well as plan staff deployment for specific ongoing investigations with international projections.

It controls the accomplishment of the orders given by the Director, as well as the activity carried out by DIA central and peripheral Offices. It also checks performance of services and the right enforcement of regulations, provisions and guidelines relating to assets and accounts. Furthermore, it monitors the activities carried out, checks the results, evaluates the cost-effectiveness of the services offered and identifies the procedural standard.

It supports the Director, dealing with general affairs matters. It works out Bills of Law on mafia issues, gathers and analyses Parliamentary acts and provisions, examines issues concerning the organization of offices and staff. Moreover, it advises and makes proposals at legislative level. It is responsible for mail and file management. It prepares the press review and cooperates to production of press reports, takes care of external relations and promotion of DIA activity. It also guarantees, 24 hours a day, the link with DIA central and peripheral offices. This office is also responsible for the relations with trade unions.

It deals with any staff issue, its recruitment, promotion, movements, reports, evaluation.

It is responsible for the technical, legal and professional training of the personnel.
It proposes plans and organizes courses and seminars on technical, legal, professional and management subjects.
It coordinates foreign languages and shooting training and updating courses.

It works out an action plan on the office running costs and supervises over its implementation.
It is responsible for the administrative management of immovable and movable property as well as the technological and IT equipment.

It oversees staff extra funds and provides for the payment of goods and services. It carries out inspections of the Cash Office accounting records.

It analyzes and develops software solutions. It manages and coordinates the activities needed to maintain the confidentiality of data and information as well as the access to databases.
It provides technical support to the preventive, criminal and analysis activities.

It is responsible for the custody of weapons and special equipment. It provides technical support to the investigations (telephone interceptions room-bugging, videos and photos, special equipment). It studies, analyses and tests the latest high-tech means and equipment.

SedeVia Torre di Mezzavia, 9/121
00173 ROMA
Tel. 0646532000
DirettoreGenerale di Corpo d’Armata della Guardia di Finanza Michele Carbone
Vice Direttore Tecnico OperativoDirigente Superiore dellaPolizia di Stato
Vice Direttore AmministrativoGenerale di Brigata dei Carabinieri Antonio Basilicata
Divisione Gabinetto Settore Stampa Relazioni EsterneTel. 0646532000
Altro contatto Divisione GabinettoMail gabinetto@dia-net.it
Pec dia.gabinetto.rm@pecps.interno.it