DIA Calendar 2024

A fter 20 years from its last edition, I am pleased to present the “Calendar 2024” of the Direzione Investigativa Antimafia. I consider it an important communication means of the institutional activities and, this year, of the reorganization of the multi-agency institution, a few months after its entry into force.
The chosen theme, in fact, allows us to easily understand the new territorial architecture and the renewed instruments of international cooperation with which the DIA, daily and silently, performs its service in the fight against organized crime.
Moreover, since its establishment in the early 1990s, the changed socio-economic and – consequently – criminal scenarios as well as the expansion of the powers and responsibilities entrusted to the DIA, needed a change of pace in the fight against the mafia, an adaptation to the changing criminal landscape that the DIA, which I have the honour and the privilege to preside, had the foresight to understand.
The establishment of new Field Offices, the upgrading of the Field Offices in Brescia, Bologna and Catanzaro, the overall strengthening of the territorial staff, as well as the promotion of the Branch “International Investigations” and the continuous development of the “Anti-Mafia Operational Network @ON”, of which the DIA is “Project Leader” allow us to face future challenges with the awareness of having cutting-edge powers, tools and procedures to win the battle against mafia-style crime.
The pages of this calendar, the images and brief descriptions of the daily scenarios of operations of DIA’s women and men represent a tribute to those who, with their unconditional commitment to service as well as qualified, professional and human contribution, enabled the development and progress of this exciting multi-agency organization of the Department.